Tool or thief?
There are plenty of potential derailers of joy out there… anxiety, worry, debt, illness, and so on.
A less obvious one, however, is 'comparison'. A quote by Teddy Roosevelt that I resonate with:
"Comparison is the thief of joy".
Ever since we were toddlers, we've been encouraged to analyse, contrast, and evaluate - as tools to make decisions and arrive at (hopefully, as our parents saw it, sensible) conclusions.
However, these valuable life skills can actually undermine our joy too.
Life is a marathon, not a sprint (I’m hoping a very long and healthy one at that!). The thing to remember is that we all start at different steps on the track. Our journeys can move at varying speeds. And sometimes, we'll experience an obstacle that seems to stop all progress.
We never have the full picture. So comparing ourselves to others simply doesn't make sense.
This is true for our branding journeys as well, whether personal or business-related. It’s a long-term endeavour, with each step building upon the previous, adding layers of meaning over time. Twists and turns are part of this journey.
Comparison with others can leave us feeling dissatisfied, and steal our joy and our sense of achievement. Added to this, we may believe there is no hope of any change going forward.
Carol Dweck is renowned for her work on motivation and mindset, and she describes two common approaches to this: the fixed mindset and the growth mindset.
With a fixed mindset, everything is focused on the outcome. If you fail or aren't the best, it's seen as a waste. On the other hand, a growth mindset allows us to value what we're doing, regardless of the outcome.
I’m all for appreciating our own unique journeys and enjoying our experiences along the way! How about you?