Network Ireland Awards Night
This is a shout-out for the wonderful organisation that is Network Ireland. 2023 marked the 40th anniversary!
It is a non-profit, voluntary organisation, with over 1,000 members and seventeen branches around Ireland. I’m a member of the Wicklow branch and can honestly say, the members are a most supportive, friendly and uplifting group of women - who have become friends. Sadly, I didn’t make it to the Awards night, but that’s a story for another day! Let’s just say, nail varnish was involved ;)
Check out your local branch here and let me know if you are thinking of joining but aren’t sure if it’s for you.
Network Ireland Wicklow branch members at the National Awards
• Providing a forum where professional women can exchange ideas and increase business contacts
• Encouraging women to achieve more satisfying careers
• Marketing the skills and expertise of members
• Promoting women as worthy contributors to the Irish economy and decision-making bodies
• Liaising with National and International Organisations
• Creating Links into Government and State Bodies
• Promoting a high standard of ethics in business
• Promoting the welfare of the community through the joint effort of members