Is branding a ‘New Thing’?

Is the emphasis on branding your business a new fad; something else to add layers of difficulty and stretch your do-to list even longer?! Not so, read on…


The history of branding is long and fascinating.

Let’s go back to our great ancestors – beginning with the cave people, believe it or not!

  • Cave walls in North America contain symbols and illustrations of daily life and significant events of the time, dating back thousands of years. These drawings tell us so much about how our ancestors lived. Our earliest evidence of story-telling through imagery, and the beginning of logos in branding. 

  • Another example is the makers’ marks that have been found on Greek pottery dating from over 2,000 years ago.

  • In the middle ages, heraldic devices began to be used to identify families, and imply supremacy and power. Soldiers were branded (ouch!) with hot irons, with their leader’s mark.

  • Craftspeople and artisans used different crests to identify their trades to a by-and-large illiterate audience. 

At the beginning of the 19th century, the advent of the steam engine kicked off the industrial revolution. Vast changes took place across all aspects of society.

“Industrial and technological change always give rise to social change which, in turn, affects artistic expression. Creative expressions become a mirror, always reflecting society.” (Viva Modernism by R Roger Remington).

A great surge of creativity followed in logo design. In fact, some of these designs have endured since then – with small evolvements over the years.

Fast forward to the 1960s: integrated corporate design systems became the norm. The techniques of logo design may have changed over time, but the core purpose of branding has stayed the same.


Nowadays, in this information-saturated world, businesses need to differentiate themselves more than ever. We all have a shorter attention span and very little time. Make it easy for your audience to recognise you, to understand your values, and to connect with you emotionally.


Good brand strategy establishes WHO your brand is, WHO it serves, and details a plan on HOW to connect with them. It is the solid foundation that your marketing strategy is based upon and should be closely aligned with it. Branding is strategic, whereas marketing is tactical, but the two are very close sisters - branding being the older sister!

Your brand strategy doesn’t need to be overly complicated but should include your business goals and an implementation plan. In short, ask where do we want to go and how do we get there.

A solid brand strategy helps you get the best possible results from your branding project, as you know who your brand is and have a plan to take it forward to build meaningful relationships with your audience. It is worth giving it your time and attention!


Patterns in Nature, Power and Peace


Why brand?